
How To Maintain Our Facial Health By Controlling The Type Of Food We Consume.

Nearly everyone is familiar with the phrase ‘health is wealth’, but do we make our health a priority? We work day and night, neglecting the foundation– our health. That is why a house with a weak foundation collapses. Like every other part of our body, our face is an important asset. Maintaining it, however, might require a load of work because it is the part of the body that is always exposed to the rays of the sun. People complain of their organics or skin care products not being effective, but imagine you plan to lose weight. Then, after working out every day, you make yourself a treat containing sugary and fatty foods. This is what happens when you are using your skin care product, but you never monitor your intake and metabolism. And, this is the cause of many health problems nowadays.

Taking care of your facial health requires you to know your skin type and put some things into consideration. This article will take you through how you can take care of your facial health by controlling what you consume, telling you why you have acne or wrinkles on your face, foods you should stop eating to minimize it, and the ones you should increase your intake, and some frequently asked questions.

Causes of acne and wrinkles

Acne or pimples occurs when there is a rise in the amount of sebum, an oily substance that is secreted by a gland on the skin. Normally, sebum plays the role of keeping the body moist and healthy by protecting it against bacteria and acting as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. But, a slight increase in its amount allows it to shelter acne bacteria, which causes inflammation. Wrinkles, on the other hand, are caused when there is a decrease in the number of proteins that help keep the body smooth and wrinkle-free. This includes; collagen, elastin, and other proteins. Exposure to ultraviolet rays also helps in the production of free radicals that cause depletion in collagen and elastin. However, staying away from certain foods and increasing the intake of some will help us combat the free radicals, increase the amount of sebum, and raise the quantity of collagen.

Foods To Increase Their Intake


Vitamins play an essential role in keeping us healthy and youthful. Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E all have a part in our health. Eating fruits like oranges and taking vegetables that contain carotenoids– vitamin A, help to rejuvenate our skin cells. Likewise, a high intake of foods that contain vitamin C help to fill up the collagen content on the skin. Vitamins C and E are also antioxidants that combat the free- radicals formed during exposure to the sun’s rays. Vitamin D, however, can be derived from the sun, but we can also take in foods that supplement it, especially during the winter– sardines, salmon, herring, and the like.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and omega-6 fats are fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the body and can only be derived from the foods we eat. Foods like fish, walnuts, and oysters are rich in Omega-3 fat, which is an antioxidant. Thereby, keeping the skin healthy and combating inflammation.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, but low in fat, sugar, and salt. Moreover, they are dietary fiber– roughages that aid digestion and prevent constipation.


Antioxidants protect us against the damage of ultraviolet rays by damaging the free radicals produced. They boost our immune system by acting as an anti-inflammatory. Antioxidants can be found in vegetables, eggs, nuts, and specifically vitamins C and E. Green tea is also an antioxidant.


Substitute sugary and carbonated drinks with water. Staying hydrated helps keep the body moist. Thereby, hindering the appearance of dry skin and inflammation. Fruits like cucumbers contain a high percentage of water.

Foods To Decrease Their Intake


Sugars, especially refined ones, are high in calories and low in nutrients. The high amount of sugar in the blood induces the secretion of the hormone– insulin, which can cause acne breakouts.


Too much dairy in the body also induces the secretion of hormones similar to insulin– testosterone, and androgen. Testosterone even increases the amount of sebum and clogs the pores in the body.


A high intake of alcohol makes the body assume it is under stress and induces the secretion of the steroid hormones; glucocorticoids and adrenal androgen. Too much alcohol also decreases the number of protective cells, which allows the body to harbor bacteria and causes inflammation.

Processed Foods and Refined Carbohydrates

In processed and baked foods, refined carbohydrates are like refined sugars, which are of high calories and low nutrients.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have oily skin. Which food should I eat or avoid?

Avoid processed carbohydrates, sugars, and foods with too much oil. Instead, go for grains with high fibers. Also, increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and water, to have a high amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory products. Limit your egg consumption, as too much of it triggers the release of the hormone progesterone.

I have dry skin. How do I maintain it?

A dry skin simply indicates a deficiency in antioxidants such as vitamins, zinc, selenium, Omega-3 fatty acid, and so on. However, it can be supplemented by increasing the intake of foods containing antioxidants.

How can I maintain my eczema?

Eczema and acne are quite similar, but the former always seem reddish and discolored rash. Eczema is also sometimes considered an allergic reaction. Maintaining it by controlling your diet is somehow similar to that of acne. In that, you have to increase your intake of anti-inflammatories such as Omega-3 found in fatty fish, vitamins, and minerals. Being an allergic reaction, it is advisable to increase the consumption of food that contains probiotics– bacterias and yeasts found in the body that aids digestion. It is mostly found in fermented foods such as yogurt.

Conclusively, link your body to your diet. Be familiar with what you eat and what causes your inflammation or allergy. What works for your friend might not be the same for you.

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