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Bismid Bleaching Bath (pack of 2)


The most effective bismid bleaching cream that works fast is the Bismid whitening mega blast cream, it can be used along with the bismid bleaching bath shower gel to get a very faster result.

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Quantity based discount 2 - 5 5%
Quantity based discount 6 - 10 10%
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Bismid Bleaching Bath is a skin lightening product that helps to brighten and even out skin tone. It is formulated with active ingredients such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, and vitamin C, which work together to effectively lighten dark spots, pigmentation, and age spots. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used to target specific areas such as the face, neck, and hands. It is recommended to use Bismid Bleaching Bath as directed and to avoid overuse, as it may cause skin irritation. In addition, it is advisable to use sun protection to prevent further darkening of the skin. To achieve best results, it should be used consistently and as part of a regular skin care routine.

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