We all know the danger the sun causes to the skin, so most of the time we are advised not to use a lightening cream during the day because of the sun, instead, we should use a moisturizer.
Moisturizers are good but not all of them contains a good amount of Spf to protect the body from the danger the sun can cause your skin. Using a Lightening cream during sunny hours can cause the skin to become reddish. The best practice is to use a moisturizer that contains a good amount of spf to protect your skin from the sun during the day and then you can use your lightening cream at night to give your skin a perfect tone.

Banana Boat Ultra Protect Sunscreen Lotion
One of the best spf to use during the day is the Banana boat Ultra protect sunscreen lotion. It contains substantial amount of spf which is enough to protect your skin from the danger of the sun and help you to maintain a perfect fine skin.