Getting rid of pimples can be very tiring and can be a hard task, it can even be a more harder task when you are treating it with the wrong products.
While skin differs, it’s known that bismid cosmetics products for acne are very effective to many. Most of the time it depends on how accurately you use the product and also your knowledge about the product.
In this article, we will be discussing on how you can get the best out of this products to treat your acne.
First of all, we will talk about the best face soap to use when treating acne. for someone who have an oily face, the perfect face soap to use is babyface soap. while there are two types of babyface soap, its important to know the one that is good for your skin. we have the babyface soap with turmeric which is pink color and also the babyface soap with Aha which is white in color.

The Aha is more active but can be a bit harsh for some skin, while these two are very good and have the same functions, we have seen some customers prefer the Aha, while some prefer turmeric, so you can try both to see the one that is good for you. the babyface soap helps to curb oils from the skin and helps to prevent acne and fade dark spots.
The next thing to talk about is the facial toner to use, some of the best bismid facial toner/cleanser to use when you have acne is bismid blemish toner, bismid acne toner, bismid multivitamin toner and the bismid active clear cleanser. All this toners are to be washed off after cleansing. while this toners perform same function, they are only suitable for some type of skins.
The blemish toner for instance is a very good toner for acne and spot but it’s only suitable for a light skinned person because it lightens the face as well and also minty when applied to the face, the multivitamin toner does the same thing as the blemish toner but lightens more and doesn’t have that mint feeling.
while the acne toner is more suitable for dark/chocolate skinned because it doesn’t really tones. The active clear cleanser on the hand is for people with extremely stubborn acne and can be used by all skin types to clear acne and spots.
You get the best result from the toner and the face soap when used with the bismid blemish cream and the bismid night face cream.
How to use: Wash your face first with your babyface soap, dry it off with a clean towel, cleanse your face with your toner, wait for a minute and wash it off with your soap, use a clean towel to dry it off and then apply the bismid blemish cream, leave on your face for 30mins and wash it off. then you can now apply your day face cream, when you repeat the process in the night, you can as well apply your night face cream.
When consistent with this products, you will get great results, and also we should try to stay away from those things we do that makes us have acne, we should try to limit our oily intake, shawarma consumption and above all, we should try to have a good rest at all time.